All the info on the mural I painted in the town of Chatham, Virginia.
Photo by @jbohnbishop
The LOVEwork in Chatham is painted on the side of the Commonwealth Pharmacy building in the town of Chatham in front of Studio 29 Salon. The "L" of the mural says -"you are so loved here," reminding people why they choose Chatham, whether it be for a season or a lifetime. The "O" of the mural has key buildings of Chatham's history painted within it - Chatham Hall, Hargrave Military Academy, the old Chatham Trolley Car Diner, the clock tower of the Courthouse, and Competition Alley. The "V" of the mural encompasses the state of Virginia in it and the "E" is simply vertical stripes. The mural is monochromatic to highlight the historical red streetcar that sits to the left of it. The mural was a collaborative effort between Commonwealth Pharmacy, Studio 29 Salon, and Lane Paper Works. The mural was designed and painted by Sydney Lane of Lane Paper Works.

Photos by @mattandmandikindoflove